EC Environmental offers beneficial bacterial products and solutions for all industries. From waste water treatment to keeping your facilities clean, we can help!
Keep your facilities clean & odour free by treating problematic water sources & tackling tough traffic areas.
Safely maintain a natural balance & support your waste water management process from start to finish.
Naturally manage your organics & create a healthy balance in soil & water to increase yields & reduce losses.
We offer cost effective, long term, responsible management solutions for waste water in industrial applications.
Nasty odors in institutional facilities are often caused by a problematic water source. Dealing with the problem water by adding beneficial bacteria can greatly reduce odors as well as resulting in a continuously cleaner source once the product is applied and with regular reapplication.
Grease can pose a major problem in the food service sector. EC Environmental’s solutions can extend the length of time between grease trap pump-outs, and assist in preventing slips and falls in kitchens.
Get rid of that bathroom smell or “lived in” odour with specially formulated hard surface cleaners, sludge elimination and odor management products for in black water systems.
Make odor and stain elimination easy with hard surface floor care products, specifically created to remove soils through safe and effective bio-remediation.
EC Environmental offers Eco friendly treatments for our educational facilities. Keep our schools clean and safe with chemical free solutions for septic systems, floors, restrooms, kitchens, as well as the organic removal of hydrocarbon stains from parking lots and sidewalks.
We have a whole host of products designed to fight and managed dirt, stains and odours in high traffic sectors like hospitality and cruise ships. Our safe and effective biological applications consist of grease trap maintenance, restroom floor care, urinal cakes, the removing of hydrocarbon stains from parking lots, dock and dumpster odor treatment, and ornamental pond maintenance.
Dealing with waste water collection sumps to cope with odor and solids, the environmentally friendly elimination of oil and grease stains from concrete.
The biological removal of organic solids is vital to the municipal waste water industry. EC Environmental can support your waste water management process in areas which include collection system FOG, activated sludge optimization, nitrification and denitrification, and lagoon sludge elimination.
EC Environmental’s Water Treatment Solutions can greatly enhance CBOD reduction and provide reduced dewatering costs.
Our cost effective and safe to handle lift station grease management products can continually reduce sewer grease build-up, cut electricity usage, lessen sulfate based corrosion, and prevent sewage back up.
Using facultative bacteria for BOD elimination, nitrifiers and denitrifiers for ammonia control through competition for nutrients will create a natural balance for a cleaner and safer lagoon.
We offer a complete line of organic accelerants for composting, hydrocarbon stain treatment for concrete & asphalt, soil remediation, and biofilter augmentation.
Safe handling of organics within your agricultural operation is becoming increasingly important. Bio-augmentation has been proven to play an important role in farm productivity.
By creating a healthy balance within your crop fields, you can achieve enhanced nutrient uptake in high value crops and naturally increase your yields resulting in a larger seasonal profit margin.
EC Environmental offers a range of products to safely improve your fish farming yields. From creating healthy alkalinity levels to decreased sludge volume, we can help you generate the ideal environment to enhance yields and decrease loss rates.
The biological removal of water borne effluent solids in Industrial waste water plants is very important to meeting cost and regulatory demands. EC Environmental is capable of supporting your efforts at waste water management in areas which include collection system FOG, activated sludge optimization, nitrification and denitrification, and lagoon sludge reductions.
Landfill leachate includes refractory organics which are challenging to remediate with conventional activated sludge systems. We use bio-augmentation to supplement existing leachate treatment systems for enhanced VOC and CBOD removal.
The use of beneficial bacteria in the biological remediation of hydrocarbons, along with other organic chemicals found on surfaces, in the soil, and in waste water can quickly and cost effectively bring about great results for waste water treatment.
Our Bio-remediation products offer support for your plant collection system and lift stations for odor elimination, surcharge costs, and regulatory compliance.
By identifying the micro- and macro- nutrient needs, we offer responsible methods to treat pulp and paper wastewater, along with added bacteria for activated sludge, oxidation ditches, and waste water lagoons.